A person who experience visual impairemnt or blindness has limited or no vision. They only see blurriness or darkness
Some people are completely blind, they cannot not see a thing, only blackness, but many others have what’s called legal blindness. They haven’t lost their sight completely but have lost enough vision that they’d have to stand 20 feet from an object to see it as well as someone with perfect vision could from 200 feet away.
Some people are born with congenital blindness, which means they are visually impaired at birth. Congenital blindness can be caused by a number of things — it can be inherited, for instance, or caused by an infection (like German measles) that’s transmitted from the mother to the developing fetus during pregnancy.
Other people may be born with perfect vision but may lose their vision later on their life from injuries like getting hit in the eye or head with a baseball or having an automobile or motorcycle accident. People may also lose their eyesite from illnesses like diabetes or meningitis.